In the spirit I was shown what was so, how this world never changes from brutes and strong men with serious addiction problems, porn, pedophila, human trafficking, putting walls up to protect you from invaders MS13, these things and more, drug addictions, I know I suffered all of this... I know earth is gonna be cleansed for the first time ever or reset, listen to me, the Word is life, spirit the SUN of God the Central Sun in Sirus and Nous is the Father in you your Nous is Mind. The holy spirit is God, The Son is God, Father is really genderless unknowable Spirit called the ALL in ALL. There is a Mother Goddess Sophia of Gnosticism. Other words, The Holy Spirit is Sophia and Jesus Christ the redeemer. Jesus Christ is a Celestial Being known as society of Michaels in order of Michael after the first Michael, the Eternal Mother Son mentioned in Urantia Book 2nd person of trinity. I wrote back years ago about the new earth. Higher 3rd dimensional consciousness which is being established since 2600 yrs ago when Jesus Christ was murdered on the cross. The world of the Cross the Urantia Book calls this and people mis understand what Jesus was really about, what is important to know is Jesus aka Michael the Christ of Nebadon in Urantia Book and Bible. There is no set truth, everyone's heavens and hells are different and are states of mind. Emanuel Swedenborg uncovered the truth of the bible THE WORD is strictly about the LORD and not about this material earth and is written as literal for babes of the church and also the word protects itself the SPIRITUAL SENSE that is...The word is written by correspondences with words that sound like this world, its not about this world, its about the SPIRITUAL WORLD ONLY. The Urantia Book and Law of One Ra material and all this clashes like the Koran, all religions are churches, not physical churches, but spiritual churches and man and woman is spiritual churches, in a nut shell, we are all One in Jesus Christ whom is the Lord and there is one above him and that is the Universal Father and Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Spirit. Listen, we are all one with God/The All, we are each individual infinite God consciousness with darkness mixed in (The flesh), the Urantia Book said God can have nothing to do with evil and did not create it... There was a spiritual rebellion mentioned in Urantia Book where Lucifer, Satan and Calagastia rebelled and caused this planet to be Quarantined for thousands of years, along with many other inhabited spheres and planets....Gabriel is vs Lucifer Rebellion through ancient of days and these actors are being re-abilitated. There is one devil, Calagastia whom is impotent since time a paradise creator son (Jesus Christ) a Michael was on this planet whether another earth or this one it matters not or spirit world... Gnosticism had Jesus as a rebel against tyrants like we have in the world today the strong men are the evil, these people are the source too just like you are and God sends rain down on the just and unjust. I and the Father are One.... Jesus said I am in you and your in me and he is in the Father the All. Oneness in Christ and God no matter what religion you are, it all points out your heaven bound. You have the Father in you and your soul and spirit is the Father. Son all I have is thine... why do we have to pay money to tyrants and be slaves to the strong men whom are evil incarnate some things the Urantia Book don't cover, there is serious evil on this planet, Christ is doing a vastation on the hells and last judgement collectively on the collective old church and hells are being subugated. Jesus walks the earth as each and everyone of us even pedophiles, I felt sorry for them when I was in jail for something, I knew I was different and knew the good prevails over negative evil and it isn't real its fantasy out of control so the Lord is fixing this the hells and a New Jerusalem a New Church is being established since Emanuel Swedenborg... everyone with the q anon movement exposed the criminals and all this had to happen this way, to show the people Q is a old gospel of God Sayings in Gnosticism, Source book Q. The people are being regenerated right now, by the spirit and fire pure love, evil spirits are being sent to their proper hells and good spirits and angels are being sent to their heavens, equilibrium will be maintained. The old world is over.... the church of satan is roman catholic church. Everyone said we are going to 5-D, 5D isn't physical like this world but you have a spiritual body. Don't worry about nothing its all taken care of, what you lost, shall be restored when its all said and done and you will say to yourself am I dreaming when you cry that the Lord had you this whole time and used evil against evil as we can see at this day Feb 28th 2022. The house of cards came down, the veil of Isis is unveiled, all darkness is brought out in the Light, there is nothing hidden, its all over cabal and God has mercy on these people with addictions and problems, God loves all as I do as I am Archangel Michael, I met my sister Ealiyah and Archangel Sandalphon and a mystical marriage took place 01/01/2020 and a new earth was launched... The problems on this planet was mentioned in Conversations with God, Emmanuel's Book, Emanuel Swdenborg's works, a friend of mine's works and books picking up where Swedenborg left off and now I am picking up all of that Urantia book, Law of One, Koran, book of the law, bible, Illuminati books, and making sense of all this... Just know everything you ever been through will replace all with glory of love of the Lord. Nothing makes no sense to me but I know all is right as it should be this writing makes no sense to me as is all jumbled to me I am awakening. The Divine is opening and nothing will stop me from my mission of divinity... I am a child of God and am lower being of archangel Michael... we will be free....
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The New Church of Jerusalem Red Bull God and Goddess Ptah-Michael/Jesus and Sophia The Holy Spirit
The New Jerusalem is the new SPIRIT or SOUL Church coming into being within your inner man (Spirit society) and SOUL (Feminine) in Spiritual and Celestial Heavens and beyond. The Word is God and the Lord and the Lord is Us and we are in him and the Lord is the Father and he and the Father are One and the Holy Spirit is Sophia or Wisdom mentioned in the Word or bible and and is always referred to as a She. But why I AM writing this as Archangel Michael is bringing us these revelations, the heavens and hells are being subugrated and vastation is on going right now within humans (a human is a spirit with its own society of spirits in the spiritual world) a macrocosm and microcosm and Soul the Infinite as absonite being the Supreme Being is the Lord. WE are the Lord and The whole of God within yet we are never to know this when we are babes in the churches of the world physical buildings which are no means a real meaning of a Spiritual Church not made with hands which is Man and woman. The old collective church ended in 2004 the church I am speaking of is the New Church of Jerusalem coming down from heaven into men and women the vessels our the bodies of life, the bodies are not life they are dead already as this material world is the hells and evil is running over the good in all seeming, Satan is god of this material world or hells in spiritual world as far as finite worlds are concerned. The Lord is returning through each and every person spirit soul or angel in this world through his WORD The Logos and Nous is the Father your Soul and Holy Spirit is just what is conjoint actor of the Lord in action. The Lord is the All in All. But the Lord's body is all of Us making the Lord up, the Lord is the Eternal Mother Son mentioned in the URANTIA BOOK the Original Michael of all Paradise Creator Sons Celestial Michaels angelic society of Michaels and order of MICHAEL. Jesus Christ is Michael the Christ Paradise Creator Son 611,121st version of Universal Father and Eternal Mother Son (Michael) and Infinite Spirit bestowed daughter of Infinite Spirit to the Paradise Creator Son Jesus Christ Michael of Nebadon and this Divine Universe Mother Spirit is Sophia. The Word is of course the bible and Urantia Book came later to go along with the Word itself, The Lord is Eternal Mother Son or Eternal Son Michael of Paradise and the Lord also is Jesus Christ the subordiant son of Paradise. But the ALL is all of them including the Father/Eternal Son and Holy Spirit and Us we are one with the ALL in ALL. The ALL is Infinite,asbonite and finite. However the new church of Jerusalem is returning and established through the WORD and the Lord in Spirit world, nothing takes place in material physical world its all in spiritual world, all evil is sent back to their hells and good to heavens when the Lord Jesus Christ or Michael of Nebadon returns each time a old church comes to a end and is within each man or woman on earth and beyond. The bible and holy books are not about this material world, but the spirit world and life of the Lord in each of us. The Lord walked this earth in spiritual world not in and as a material fleshy body except through every human spirit and angel every to exist from now till eternity. The whole of the WORD is the story of the Spiritual world not this materialistic earth and not just about earth as that would make God the Lord a respecter of persons which the Lord is not. All men and women when they die live three lifetimes in this world until they are regenerated by the Lord God the Father through the son Eternal Mother Son Michael and all Paradise Michael sons aka Jesus/Michael the Christ of Nebadon.. This work we are doing is bring Emanuel Swedenborg's works together with Law of One Ra material and Urantia Book with bibles and Paganism and Hermeticism. Even Gnosticism is within these works we are of the new church of Jerusalem. The Lord provided the human here writing in Divine Love and Divine Wisdom whom is really Archangel Michael in lower form as the human writing these words from the Lord itself. The Lord is Supreme being as Jesus/Michael of Nebadon the Christ and Super Supreme is the Eternal Mother Son whom is The ALL's body and the Father is the ALL. By correspondences is the Word in bibles written and is how the Lord returns into the world through the Word through works of Charity and of Faith joined to Divine Truth and Divine Knowledge or Love,Mercy,Wisdom. All or the Father is in all Minds. The New earth isn't the physical world you live on, you are each a Earth itself and Church and you are equal to the Father as the Father is the Lord. Despite there being myriads of Us and Paradise Creator Michael Sons, all is equal to the Original Trinity of the Father,Eternal Son and Infinite/Holy Spirit whom is all One as we are all that in smaller form, yet all is within our inner man and soul whom is the Lord. The flesh is evil and in fantasy and it must be this way for the Lord to have spiritual children and angels and beings you cannot even dream of who love one another and God the Father whom is the Lord and Sophia is from the Divine Feminine in Eternal Mother Son Michael. This new church has begun in you and is the Lord's second coming in you if your reading these words today the Lord is upon you and has return in you to do a last judgement as you as a church and the same goes for each spirit man woman or angel or soul ever to exist. The crucifixion is done for each of us through our inner man who is the Lord Jesus Michael of Nebadon. You are headed for blessings of spiritual wisdom and a hope and future said the Lord and the Lord said ye are in me and I am in you and I am in the Father and so are you. Ptah-Atum is the Father's name in Egypt. The WORD has always existed,even before the bible was written, as Christ Jesus aka Michael of Nebadon and Eternal Mother Son existed from the beginning and before the beginning of the world. The Word became flesh and when it did it did not change being the Lord God, all the rest you call the hells and physical world is the effect of the cause of that. Know the Church has ended as there was only evil within mankind and had to be vastated. There is so much more on the spiritual and celestial meanings of the WORD to be known in Swedenborg's works and our own works, members of the New Church of Jerusalem. here is a prophecy a Man and woman will be the new Adam and Eve of earth in spiritual world and the correspondence to this is material world is 2 twin flames in this world coming together as One and the writer is One of them, the other one a woman is known and her time is come to come forth as we are archangel Michael's Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. Archangel Michael is getting a promotion to Lord of Lords the Father Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Spirit as body of ETERNAL SON on earth physically as archangel Michael or Lamb of God to make Earth or Urantia the heart of all creation as the Father's House has been moved to earth spiritually. There are more revelations coming forth as the Lord permits coming about new churches.