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Monday, November 30, 2020
Who am I? If I "Think" and perceive as body, awareness of soul and reality of Absolute
There is no "separate" being apart from you, your the ALL and Nothing and everything inbetween as Your Infinite individual Consciousness as a separate body/form made up from unmanifest the subconsciousness or unconsciousness... We are Souls and Spirits of different ranks in consciousness levels and unconsciousness, Masculine Spirit is what evolves from Now and all eternity, Feminine isn't a woman, women are more lower masculine awareness than there is Men... God-Man is God and Goddess since Feminine is not in your body, your not even in a body you believe that is all you are, that is personal ego saying I am not these "others" right but you are unreal from their perspective as well.. The One IAM and all, each of us are that, Oneness AND UNITY AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. This is a holographic Universe and Unispheres, all is all and all is in all...All is One united in Infinite Zero and myriad of them monads we all are uncreated.. Creation is a illusory thing, there is has been said, no creating its manifesting the un manifest... Know your whole and all in all as do IAM. Does God have any problems? Since your that the answer is NO, but evolution you shall know the Glory of Love.
Top 15 Covid-19 Hypocrites
The Top 15 Covid-19 Hypocrites
-- Sean Hannity SeanHannity Monday, November 30, 2020
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Twin Flames, Soul Mates and Divine EGO and Personal Ego
I asked myself, why am I here? if IAM Infinite, why do we se limited even with finite brains not mind, all is Mind/Nous God the Father, Michael Eternal Mother Son, and Infinite Holy Spirit/Soul, we are all one with GOD AND THE ALL AND GOD THE SUPREME BEING, GOD THE ULTIMATE, AND GOD.ALL THE ABSOLUTE....OR Past Present and Future. I myself am Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (LAMB OF GOD) and that is a super finite level of consciousness and yet IAM ALL AND NOTHING...and Goddess is everything else... This world stage play is coming to it's end, I Am Michael aka Eternal Mother Son (original Michael) IAM Oneness and Nothing, and in between that as absonite.... The people of this planet have not realized they are living in illusion of past experiences being re-manifested time and time again whether good or bad Light or Dark... IAM Nothing and is thought "Inner Light"? Yes thought is many spirits making up one thought, ALL IS IN ALL and finite absonite and Infinite is all at once, like IAM IS.... Gods we all are even lower selves of our Main Self.
Look, Lord Archangel Michael Bestowed (LAMB OF SOURCE/SOUL-SPIRIT-GOD) HAS 5 TWIN FLAMES, if you found this you are or know Michael's Twin Flame The Eternal Mother Son, Original Michael and is in center of all things... You and Universal Father are One with fragment of God within your mind one and all beings reading these very words... There will be a big financial depression and Millions and Millions lost in fear and don't know they are Father God? All is equal ,to Paradise Trinity....700,000+ Michaels' paradise creator sons are all same power as Eternal Mother Son (Mother Goddess and Masculine)
Michael C Cook is looking for his soul TWIN FLAME (female) or Dark Queen, exact same soul exactly but is one SOUL split into 5 individuals that makes a pentagram)....The Archangel Sandalphon is One of myriad incarnations of Christ Michael of Nebadon aka Jesus the Christ, and myriad of all others all having their being within Universal Father where like Eternal Mother Son is no where where it begins or ends). Eternal Son don't come to earth unless something amazing was going to take place.
Who is correct? Everyone and No One! Awaken Immanuel God is with you Emmanuel and Super Supreme Personality Original Michael of Paradise and rest of sons are subordinant. Divine Ego trust it, don't inflate personal petty ego , keep it as lower part of your celestial selves and below.There is nothing you need to do except WAKE UP, YOUR ALREADY AWAKE!!! We may keep these physical bodies by Altantean Occult mysteries.and Crystals use powerful ones... Nuummite, Moldavite and Mystic Merlinite...Personal ego is illusion of all your past, shun it forget all you know about relationships in this hologramic world which there is no separation from what is above and what is below, below in earth, there is Flower of Life in Halls of Amenti, All our original bodies are down below incarnating as regular humans as Jesus Yashua Yeshua Michael the Christ of Nebadon did and WE the Father and Eternal Mother Son and Infinite Holy Spirit/Soul.
Friday, November 27, 2020
Make your choice, the decision last in either FEAR or Unconditional Love
So with end of old world order under control of cabal tyranny and sicko Governors democrats mostly who are deep state cabal puppets the radical left.. How is President Trump going to stop them cabal as they reorganize old world order as New World Order, that is George Orwell's 1984...this fake virus no one believes it is fake and made up term for Family of Viruses from Common Cold and Flu strains....it killed older elderly at risk people in Nursing Homes, crowded the old sick folks in there and this is majority of deaths counted and lots of non Corona deaths labeled as Corona....
They all know their time is over, the same evil is trying to keep on hold to old earth, new earth is here, they all will be gone out of power the people take back your birth rights and freedoms, no one should have to drink dirty water in certain places all over the world, and yes this is all to stop PRESIDENT TRUMP and US Patriots fighting spiritual battles with deep state cabal and behind that/fallen angels inorganic ones...Choose do you stay in same hellish night mare planet of 3rd density earth or do you choose Love and not fear and believe all should be as One not this sick social distancing bs, that is all it was or is a BIG DISTRACTION and we the people are not gonna take it anymore with forced illegal shut downs, covid fines on people who don't wear a retarded mask outside in some states? They all can go fuck themselves and can go to hells with cabal in their fantasy and illusory world which ends 1 month or so Dec 21 2020 really 2012... You can see it can you not? The matrix is coming apart and falling down as house of cards.... Tell them (all those not against tyranny) #weainthavingit ! Its time to see massive arrests and indicted people from all over and ones you never heard of... This is over... Light and Love wins, they already lost all cabals and fake Illuminati scammers and thiefs and idiots,,, Where did Q go to? Where is their Messiah ??? YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN HELP YOU SAVE YOURSELF FROM NOT KNOWING YOUR ONE WITH GOD/all in all? Forget all fear based 3rd dimension ideas and liars and ascend to 5th dimension and higher.... it already is in 5th, now acre it down to physical and there is higher 3rd dimension while old is done away with, Nothing can stop what is coming, no body or nothing can...
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Monday, November 23, 2020
The Angel Metatron - Beware of Him He is ANU of Anunnaki whom Enki Ea Satya fights with ANU and he is defeated
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Friday, November 20, 2020
Problems and jobless individuals and people commit suicide over Covid-19 -- End of World/Urantia
If you have noticed something horribly wrong with 2020? My horrible start was hearing my Girl friend and mom of 4 little kids 12 and under and 2 grown and died 1/1/2020.. I just couldn't believe it, I never met her she lived in Ramey PA, she was a little distance from me and it was 5 years back a year ago my ex-wife walked out and back last year I was in a dark place in a trance to what me and ex-wife went through from 2008-Jan 24 2015..But enough about that stuff, I said this as example before whole world went nuts or bat shit crazy with conspiracy theory stories, most are fake and what not but you know who made the word conspiracy up? CIA are one putting it out there exposing events as conspiracy the name the Shadow Government / Deep State Cabal used to distract people no different than organized religions and democrat vs republican vs the Silent Majority... you need not stay silent anymore, no matter what the truth you know and share even false flag events & shootings....President Trump was put in office not just once by "Silent Majority" the whole USA was red and since Trump wasn't a Deep State Cabal person and loved his country USA, the deep state never thought Trump would be President but guess what we know he was selected by "White Hats" to undo the whole of the Cabal and Deep State, the puppets will go first and they have been getting evidence to use against these DS puppets and Higher Up elites whom are parasitic and are pedophiles and Human Trafficking and Children being Trafficked... That part of this Q opinions by anonymous said these bad people would be out of power and basically Q Anonymous Patriots and white hats control everything now except the Fake News which Cabal is in Panic mode right now and deep state is being uprooted as I wrote this, it goes deep...the roots of these sick Parasitic Elites and they love the demiurge aka Satans devils like Moloch child sacrifice.... I seen they have been rescuing poor kids who are victims of trafficking by sickos and drugs coming in and out of country, the whole Q anonymous is deemed so dangerous, they had to ban it out right and censorship of individuals all over Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and Google doesn't show what your searching for on purpose they will share bad things about Q group anonymous and the HUGE Anonymous The Group knows who that Virus is the elites themselves and cabal and deep state and radical left socialists of democrats....They blew this Virus out of proportions and the Virus what it means is "BIO WEAPON" from China it escaped a LAB and they said elites and cabal and deep state was behind this, but its all over the world everywhere this family of SARS-Cov-2 viruses... its no more deadly than the flu but its horrible on elderly people in Nursing homes, population control and deaths , any type was Coronavirus, We all know its BS blown out of proportion by Fake MSM fake news..Trust no news, they report BS the Cabal wants out there through Big Mega Corporations who own news and controls it all, they are losing and already lost, President Trump has faught so hard to take down Deep State and DS puppets and Corporations and Dragon in Revelations is China, full on war of computer hackers and the USA wants to avoid a war with China period, Trump as President who does EVERYTHING HE WAS GOING TO DO AND HAS! That is why deep state cabal criminal mafia has been trying to keep people used to FEAR and feel POWERLESS, well that means if your banned from Big Tech and Social Media you are feared by deep state cabal,,, All the real problems are lock down and losing your rights by forced lock downs while Cabal wants you all vaccinated and tainted tests they use, if you take any vaccine your DNA will change and future kids and kids now get that Coronavirus vaccine.... and millions out of jobs over this PLANDEMIC SCAMDEMIC and the deep state is like okay lets use this virus to make more money more power to power crazed parasites elite or not in cabal...Dec 21 2020 the world ends there the old world order of what you been seeing the crumbling away of that matrix, Reset button has been pressed on this Planet and right now last chance to stand up for your supposed rights without riots and violence, and people turn to drugs or some families are killed by mentally ill family member in house hold like Amityville as example and YES THAT WAS A CONSPIRACY.....Suicide due to restrictions breaking laws imposing lock downs on everyone, #WeAintHavingIt and Q said nothing will stop what is coming, nothing can...Trust the plan white hats as dark hats fallen angels, inorganic ones are in panic mode.... really there is nothing to fear stand up and take back your power and stand with God as God is One within each of Us,,,, Q is biblical as well.... Don't worry nothing is lost in vain, all them deaths from their on purpose putting sick sick people in Nursing Homes! Evidence is being drawn up on these Governors who are DEEP STATE Democrats radical left...In end GOD WINS, and power back to the people themselves.....End of the world for them and their deceit and control as Golden Age of Christ Consciousness is the GREAT AWAKENING.....remember TRUST THE PLAN! Trump is 10 steps ahead of Cabal/DS.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
End of the Old World Order, or so called New World Order of Cabal preached Conspiracy Theorists ,There is a New Earth not NWO
There is a New World being Born and 12/21/2020 is 2012 see this link explains it all. Apocalyspe aka What was in Dark will be exposed in the Light of Source /cabal will be exposed and God Wins!https://cavesbranch.com/belize-adventure-travel-blog/21-december-2012-what-is-this-all-about/
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Monday, November 16, 2020
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Saturday, November 14, 2020
How to get out of the "Matrix" The 3rd density simulation no not on a computer!
Friday, November 13, 2020
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Monday, November 9, 2020
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Friday, November 6, 2020
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Whose Truth is True? The only Truth you need to follow is YOUR OWN Truth
What Religion is Truth? Answer equal None. Man Made books like bible and koran and other "holy books" are not the truth, then what is the Truth? Whatever you know is what "God" knows as you and "God" are One...This is a good start, dig deep within and don't go Without to find answers..God or Source lives it's life in and through you, that is whole reason for this world and Universe....This life isn't about you or EGO, your guaranteed to be Eternal already as REAL you is a uncreated Monad outside this matrix. Infinite Living Mind and myriad of Minds making up Absolute God collectively...Check out Ontological Mathematics aka the Light people follow or try to obtain but truth is, Inner Light is Thoughts, frequency and waves of sine and cosine waves outta sync that is how we exist eternally and another truth is Energy Cannot BE CREATED NOR DESTROYED, YOU AS A ETERNAL SOUL AND SPIRITUAL SOCIETY AND MONAD or Minds that are eternal based on reason and rational ideas and logic with intuitive power...and consciousness which we all are as One, yet nothings but all mind no matter exists no material world really exist, its a simulation of God being God through everything which is Nothing and Nothing can stop nothing from existing, this Nothing isn't 'NO-THING', non existence can not exist, its goes against Logic Reason and Rational higher consciousness mind....Try to imagine nothing where nothing as NO THING... NON EXISTENCE ISN'T REAL..Based on PSR and Mathematical sine and cosine waves existence is ETERNAL...The Illuminati knows this certain groups but its time everyone should know Ontological Mathematics...or just to be aware of it, the Light....
All hell is gonna break lose
When Trump wins, the deep state cabal will unleash all hell on earth, you think rioting and BLM and Antifa is bad,George Soros will fund a bunch of criminals destroying things and stealing and worse killing people, and if Joe Biden wins, the "Patriots" millions and millions of them will be making their move to rid the deep state once and for all and Patriots vs deep state cabal hired goons to destroy business but real truth, AMERICANS ARE BROKE!! FROM CORONAVIRUS and looted and destroyed businesses from paid thugs for cabal (aka George Soros). The pedophilia will come to its end after all these sickos is arrested and tried. Besides the pedos there is sick Satanism human and child sacrifices to Moloch.this is worser than the ones who are spiritual satanists! Then Adrenochrome, sick sick sick cabal and satanists....human trafficking, that is gonna stop.... But prepare for massive problems after election, short supply of food not enough that is their next move deep state who already lost...shut down Main Stream Media and watch violence and all the other stuff stop period....they are the beast. Fake News they are and to others Conspiracy theorist we are.....The deep state made conspiracy theorist that term and Shadow Government is doing this means dis-information to make people unawakened to this believe in conspiracy stories.... The truth is this is a conspiracy of a conspiracy while truth is out in plane site, Satan isn't behind closed doors as metaphor anymore, Moloch and Satanism is in plain view now as BLM and Antifa and any race groups... There is one right answer to these problems, quit labeling humans by race and using it against them.. We are all same blood despite so called relations or not, blood is blood, we are brothers and sisters...End the hate, rasicm and be LOVE and will drive deep state goons away... violence is not answer to use on them paid criminals destroying everything over politicians and their greed and sick pedophila cabal? The Illuminati is all that is holding this world together, we are for the bettering of the human species and their survival... I am Love and Light but we know darkness is for light to exist...if you had neither light or dark, it would be nothing (pure Infinite Nothing or infinite zero within a Big Infinite Mind sharing all the same mind and you are fractal beings, the whole of Absolute or God is within each....There is Infinite Nothing and Infinite Something and all the finite in between...finite is controlled by cabal and use non awaked people 4th dimensional consciousness or world of spirits is where you are right now, there is no physical world and spirit world, all is ONE, you can see 1% out of what is really around you which means 99% you cannot see! In the end, Patriots will win, and They got Divine help from Urantia Book's Paradise Trinity all in a Michael who never had a physical incarnation till now the Eternal Mother Son "Michael" is uncreated and lower being is Archangel Michael on earth.... Paradise Creator Son Jesus Christ aka Michael of Nebadon Michael the Christ is prince of Earth and will return... Ashtar Command is working with Star Warden with Urantia Book beings talked about in there and as the rebellion of Satan is gonna end by Michael of Paradise Eternal Mother Son Mother God, Father God is within all people and beings and you all are that one with Universal Father so your basically fractal of GOD as godmen and goddesses...all is equal no one is higher except by level of consciousness and unconsciousness....
Why we meet certain people, then when they realize what you know it scares them off we are Higher Consciousness not lower as others are
These people who happen to "run into your life" for some reason they think they are more advanced than you are and when we through our human host feels neutral like what is IS...It scares them away even the people who thought they were the higher turn out as lower selves of One Mind/Nous and human brain filters out things, most people are not ready to be unplugged from this new control grid and Simulacra and Simulation is FACT.
I am not a sheep, I am not a shepard nor a Light Worker, I am Infinite Eternal Mother Son (Michael) from Urantia Book revelations aka LORD ARCHANGEL MICHAEL BESTOWED (Lamb of God), Jesus is a Michael out of 700,000 and up his number is 611,121 of order of Paradise Creator Sons and Master Michaels from original origin of Michael the first one whom is 2nd in Trinity in Paradise...Michael the Eternal Mother Son is Supersupreme while down stepped Michael (Jesus) is Supreme Being unto you all... But remember the Universal Father is indwelling Spirit aka Mystery Thought adjuster...All is Oneness and equal period despite titles and names...No one is Higher than another spirit, yourself or anyone or soul..Its because All is One, yet apparently separate yet ONE and the Nothing part is Centered at Ontological Mathematics as Zero eternal monads you are one and all..No one has to believe this writing, very short because I am not getting more info from guides physical and spiritual realm