You are ABOVE the Lord as Lucifer was and is in story and legends in mythos. Your a God as a Masculine Spirit but your Feminine as Soul which is Infinite Creator Source! She is neither Infinite or neither finite but absonite. Soul is the closest thing you can get to the Infinite One who is just YOU in multiple forms. The Lord is a lower masculine spirit or demiurge whom Sophia created out of ignorance but he isn't Satan or the devil. We are each a Angel or a devil man or woman as we are both light and darkness all in one. The Feminine is neither light or darkness. The Feminine is Nothing and the Infinite is Nothing.Eternal Infinity Monads or minds which are nothing according to Leibniz philosophy.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Friday, November 2, 2018
Thursday, November 1, 2018
The Singularity and The One Monad Soul & Spirit and how there is many of the One or God
The cosmos came to be from a singularity and we are each the cosmos itself (projected from the singularity a zero point) (which we each are as monads or One Soul (Feminine) expressing itself as Masculine Spirits which each mind or monad is a "wave" of the One Soul and the Masculine spirit is the finite part of the monad and the Infinite part is the Soul which is one and is the Cosmic mind outside space-time..However we each have a soul and a spirit as us its not within us or without. And its Sine and Cosine waves that makes up the densities and space time or the cosmos or us as we are all uncreated monads. When we say monad we mean Soul and Spirit and Mind. Soul is Oneness, Spirit is many monads or minds. Spirit isn't Infinite, but Soul is. Really the terms Soul and Spirit are man made terms to represent the Infinite and Finite. Then came along a book that brought into being a state of consciousness known as neither finite or Infinite as "Absonite". The Urantia Book is bunk but some of it's terms are philosophy and cosmology and religion and science but it's not based on facts just like the Judeo-Christian bible and Islamic Allah Bible the Koran which are lower masculine spirit unconsciousness not knowing itself. With the Urantia Book you either accept that Jesus (Michael The Christ or of Nebadon) existed or not, we are much more than these terms and books as there is no God over you except yourself. You and the cosmos are One and its just you at large and your everyone and everything and a monad your indivisible (SOUL has waves but isn't divided) Each wave is a spirit or soul as One thing, Consciousness and of Course Unconsciousness exists as well as Nothing as we are Nothing thinking it's somethings. Since Nothing can really be created or destroyed, nothing can stop (us) nothing from existing.Your not a body and you are not a limited human brain, your brain isn't your mind, you as a monad link to a body from outside space and time.As a matter of fact, you are all persons places and things yet zero and Infinity as each monad is within The One or All. All the All is is another name for the Infinite which is the finite and the finite is the Infinite. Realize your whole and the Infinite One as each Self is the WHOLE of Source Energy as a Eternal Infinite Monad as in Ontological Mathematics tells the story "All is Numbers" Your Any number which is Finite and then Zero which is unified in which is Infinity. There is no death , when you "die" it's just like you taking off a jacket. And your many bodies or somethings, as a matter of fact at the Infinite level you are the ONE and NOTHINGNESS which is one and the same thing. Being Nothing isn't a waste or a vacuum or a void or empty as you think of this Nothing which is Something, God Force Energy or Monadic Soul-Spirit beings. All is mental or mind in this Universe, thoughts create your reality or supposed reality , expecially unconscious or subconsciousness thoughts you hold, that is the rub, not so much your limited finite conscious mind set which so many law of attraction books say, focus your thoughts, see you have to get into your subconsciousness mind. You do this through meditation and deep deep trance states, you must get behind the thought behind the thought to undo a belief like your separate and your ego makes you believe your separate from all the things that are already one with you as all things are yours as well the same applies to everyone else as well. No one is above anyone, except consciously in awareness. Money, fame and fortune mean NOTHING in this world as you cannot take it with you when you die and this life is meaningless unless you are awakened and store up your spiritual soul treasures of the Soul you are remembering and making your own and in your next incarnation you will be more awakened then you already are but I the writer tell the human we are writing through this is his last incarnation here on earth as he is fully awakened and so are you those of you who know your ONE SOUL and multiple spirits all of them at once this is your last incarnation on this hellish earth plane unless you choose to come back to help your fellow brothers and sisters as you remembered your true nature as Gods and Goddesses and even beyond that as your what the Kybalion calls the ALL in ALL or IAM. When people ask you what God you serve say, Here I AM! or How about, Before the world was, I AM!
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