
Friday, June 22, 2018

Celestial Heavens and Spiritual Heavens and Physical Heavens and World of Spirits

I know in my previous writings, I said the Feminine Soul was the "Celestial" but that is incorrect, they are all higher masculine spirit, while the lower you go its lower masculine or divine masculine which is both masculine. The bible,Koran and  Emanuel Swedenborg's works are all masculine. So where is the Feminine? She is SOUL and your OVER SOUL AND also Soul and souls. Does the feminine reside in these heavens? Yes as the one in Emanuel Swedenborg's works called the "Lord" which is simply the collective Self of all of heavens and hells and spiritual world in between know as Source which is neither male or female and both as well and that Source is us and all angels and other beings.  Truly the masculine is the feminine as active while she is passive. There is so much our human host doesn't understand about the Feminine and how deep down the rabbit hole this goes. See his guides told him in the past The Celestial is Feminine Soul or Celestial Angels. Now this new revelation shatters all that he knows and is starting over or moving along with evolution of the his spirit society and soul group living in and as Michael Cook. If you don't understand spirit societies and soul groups, they live in your fleshy body in and as you, myriads of them which means a infinite amount. Check out Emanuel Swedenborg's works and you shall understand... We will be adding much to this writing to come.. Date June 22 2018.