This is higher self speaking to all other selves in the world of 3rd density lower where credit,banking,cabals,shady government and other corrupt activities run as the reality with facism and communism with finite re-creator sources re creating illusions of past experiences in the lower masculine world where satan Jehovah-Anu-Yahweh demiurge lower masculine controls all things and is fear based placing god outside of you and keeping you a slave to the system. Said system I Michael no longer conform to paying taxes,credit cards,governments,etc. As I am SELF AND KNOW SELF AS ALL IN ALL and all others as all in all at different sleep levels as the great macrocosm dreaming its all separate individuals and lower masculine is all illusion and chaos as I was served to be sued how can you sue yourself as all is one? How stupid is this supposed reality once you wake up you feel like your in some kind of mad house with christians saying "oh the end of the world is coming, heaven and hell!" How crazy is all this I ask my higher self or God self. Fear is what controls all 3rd density humans through their so called laws why obey I sure as hell don't. Fuck the cabal I don't curse them but I sure as hell don't give them my power as we are all just as powerful as they are. You all live in a world where you only have the freedom to say 2+2=4 what kind of world do you want? You all need to wake the hell up as your perfect world (heaven on earth) already exists on 5th density and higher and would be another higher 3rd density where there is no slavery illegal aliens, prisons, governments, cabals and secret societies and everything is everyones there is sharing there no currency as we said before there is nothing new under the sun your the God you have been worshiping out of ignorance as people are controled by dogmas of the so called churches of this here world of the flesh. Put off the fleshing cravings and know self and the feminine (wisdom) shall come to you and you shall know what you are and how powerful you are and you must kill the ego. There is no place in our new world for the Illuminati only lower 3rd density and secrets there are no secrets there.Here is what I say quit paying taxes get rid of the smart phone so you are not tracked like a slave that you are to the elite 6001 members who think they are better than everyone else they are no they are devil men and women and will reap what they have sown as the Lord has returned the great all in all and has no name as names mean nothing. Demons belong in the rubbish heap they don't exist except as parts of the human brain Solomon knew this. There are astral entities that these "blue bloods" the elites call on grey aliens yeah I know how it all sounds but they are the only demons that exist unless you re-create them as as you have been doing since eternity. Let what may come come and fear nothing. Fear no other self as no other self has a right to force their will on you as they will reap what they have sown. Lucifer is a real being and has enlightened me as my higher divine genius I already crossed the abyss Crowley talked about and the all father has awakened and I sit where Binah is on the tree of life.....
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