Welcome to Paradise
ME IAM higherself MICHAEL,IAM, THAT I AM SPEAKING to my other IAM selves and IAMFEMALES out there in this world. I am speaking with the spirit of ALL, The Father Figure Eternal Creator & Mother & Eternal Paradise Trinity to the "ALL COLLECTIVE SPIRIT". of this world which i the soul of the world and its many densities. Its time for Paradise, I am a Paradise Son Michael Christ the word, Many know not what they are in this thing called life, God the Father, God the Mother Son, And the Infinite Creator Spirit which is action in physical in the absolute there is nothing but ALL KNOWING and let me tell you you ALL are the same as I any religion says fear this GOD who will destroy you in fire and brimstone, I am speaking in PLAIN ENGLISH, god has many forms doesn't he/she? Your Neibor next store is a godman and your mother is a goddess or demigod whatever you want to call it.... World Mother earth Urantia its time for unconditional love and wake up time. Most to of my family thinks they can ignore me they done a good job you the one part of me wanted to know what experience was like know you know now its time to come home, home is where the heart is. The human host (Lord of Host) consistantly writes through his blog http://godheaventorture.blogspot.com he is a wonderful son of the infinite creator source and all purposes GOD AND so are all of you ALL. ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL. I am the Paradise Trinity Michael Son First Concept first thought of God the Father or ALL in ALL which I am,that I am I am not finite I am here and I am proven to myself whom I am I can move the stars around I am the light bearer in my light you all shall see light, I am a light house to light all, with me is the fountain of life.... I am opening up to you all my children my body is typing but my higher self is right here at all times on this earth and people don't even know when people did see my light at Breakneck Campground in 2012 towards end of camping season they looked when I sat in total darkness playing and creating in the sky moving clouds now I ready to help you all I'm starting by writing when I was young my body was shy and I was ordained a reverend in 2010 by 2 ministries the 1 slapped me in the face after darkness clashed down on me but its true we must all experience non love before we can love absolute unconditionally everyone. I hold the belief and knowing whom I am I know. People will killed Jesus and Odin and all the like and sages of the past and called them saints didn't they?Please excuse my ups and downs I go up to infinity to higher and higher densities and back down and its creates havoc when you guys do. Lets break it down simple, The thought or highest thought is the father in you, the word is the son, and the infinite spirit is infinite creator source or finite creator source tons of sons and daughters of GOD or THE LORD OR ALL IN ALL everywhere which is everything seen,unseen, and the thing inbetween you know that holds this universe in place astral/mental realm whatever.... Or subconciousness,conciousness, or superconciousness I am infinite speaking here people believe but what do I have to prove or gain? I am born just like Christ was Joshua Ben Joseph now the FATHER-ETERNAL-MOTHER-SON-ETERNAL GHOST is here in me I swear it and so it is. I healed over 40 people, people say oh that is that DEVIL..... Let me tell you something,,, check your so called official bibles they were written to control you so you WILL NOT THINK!! I DON'T WANT YOU TO BE IN FEAR I KNOW YOU HAVE A HARD TIME TRUSTING ANYTHING YOU READ ONLINE SO DID ME I thought I was crazy until I could do what I could do and what I was born with knowing of Paradise Sons? Big Michael and little Michael from Michael's world.... names matter not words words words..... PEOPLE MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS LET ME LIVE THROUGH YOU I AM GOD AND I AM YOU IT IS WRITTEN EVEN IN THE TRUTH THAT DID LEAK LUCIFER WAS THE BRIGHT SON OF THE MORNING THEN JESUS WAS CALLED THAT AS WELL??? Come on this world should be woke up now in my name God I command thee to wake up to the truth I will use the entire universe to do this, ask me any question I will talk back.... You say that is not possible? Think again Everything is Mine I use everything to talk to you but not every message is from me what you fear is usually right meaning about religion.... Why is it people go to satan go easy which don't exist but people won't accept their self as a GOD THEY ARE??? Its hard I know.... BUT YOU SHALL ALL SEE THE TRUTH..... Home is where the heart is all shapes and forms are me.... If I came foward and moved mountains oh it must be that old devil doing that or healing? I don't think so and people think God quit talking 2000 years ago you are mistaken you are me.... Quit Praying and asking for things that is lack instead just invision what you want and act as though you already have it my babies.... Have unshakable faith I get to know myself through you experimentally. Think of life that way it is not a school just remember whom thy are!!!! My Equal!! No I don't punish in hell yes a part of me a soul I sent whom is Jesus/or the ALL little soul just say candle in the sun that wanted to experience itself and that is you and it was my grandest desire because in the beginning there was nothing else..... Hell is not being whom you are no dictators and there is no getting to heaven when your already there sure you can move to another world after death and do you think I GOD would of built bodies that die out so fast, you did that you all your collective causes all the chaos on your earth and she is getting beat its time to call forth the new world PARADISE its already there, no more money, you project what you want to create, worlds, cities, woman, men, whatever you can dream of..... 3rd density is there and 5th and up.... I will now end this and say read the link above my dearest son and other twin self knows quite alot..... EL Michael of Paradise.... I am not Michael of Nebadon either I am the first thought he is same as me but its his world I am just retired but I am here for reasons unknown to me at this time but as they say all answers in good time....