Don't be a couch potato and let your life and body wither away... Instead of watching stupid TV that rots your brain out unless its something that EDUCATES you LIVE LIFE!!!!!!!!! Don't sit on the side lines and watch the success of all the other people in the world. If you want to be a someone then be that someone. If you dreamed of being say a priest or a rich business man then keep your thoughts clear and be grateful for every single thing even a penny.... When someone gives you something, think of the love behind that when a family member or a friend gives you something.... You give by giveing praise and thanks to that person with all your heart an all your being and your life will change. This message is for those of you who fail in life to get to your highest point there is.... There is no highest point... Knowledge of the universe is more useful than trash on TV the dark lodge people got going on. If your religious and go to church or if your one of those spiritual but not religious types listen to me.... There is a God.... We are all god men and women the father is inside all of us without him we would all be not here. Everything vibrates and moves all the atoms and electrons moving about and all these unknown secrets that some people know to keep you under mind control basically to them your a hamster on a wheel you don't know any better you need to wake the hell up people!!! Go for the light.... Start thinking about all what was said here. We will post more later. If you want to know more join our secret society and get outside the box or is there a box at all???
You are and you are not, as above so below..... as inside body, as outside the body is a mini version of the whole universe at large and everything pretty much is the same way by universal law... Watch the program "The Secret" or go to amazon and buy all her books and then join our website then we will go from there....
Our website is we have forums so you can talk with us directly and other members as we get people to our website its new we were on facebook and here is
our facebook page we were unknown for the longest time until we decided to go online. We also have a ministry in the works our founder is a ordained reverend, and was awarded bible study diplomas, and the 2 honorary titles Doctor of Divinity, and Doctor of Time & Space from WCM and ULC. Also be nice to each other you are ALL one and the same it doesn't matter what religion you are if you have no religion you are welcome here!!!!!