
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Exposing Illuminati Rituals: The Black Eye Club πŸ‘€πŸ˜± (Part 2) Info about Illuminati truth

These people she is talking about are satanists or black magick not Illuminati, there was real Illuminati and fake like so many pages on Facebook. The real Illuminati wants rid of these people.

Exposing Illuminati Rituals: The Black Eye Club πŸ‘€πŸ˜± (Part 1) Info on Illuminati

There is no Illuminati except conspiracy theorists using the name Illuminati and they are NOT ILLUMINATI!

12 CLEAR SIGNS You're A Target Of Gangstalking

Life Doesn't Feel Real Anymore

Zero Day Blackout: Predictive Programming & Elite Agendas (days of darkness)

Mastering This One Self Defense Skill Could Save Your Life

Saturday, March 8, 2025

My mother dying of cancer and dad and me cannot get over shock.

I am not a happy camper . They take my wife from the hospital to a nursing home to be treated by hospice. When she gets there they have to get authorization for the medication. They could not get the authorization that they needed. So she is lying there in pain when she is supposed to be in comfort. I called the supervisor of hospice and the guy lies to me and tells me that they were there when they were not . This should of not of happen. The medication should have been there when she got there. This is a issue that needs to be fixed. I don't think that a hospital should be owed by in insurance company. We had a attorney General that tried to stop it and they put her in jeopardy. and went to jail.